GIFT University’s Modern Drama Showcase A Theatrical Triumph!

On September 21, 2023, the corridors of GIFT University echoed with the whispers of playwrights past and present. Guided by the vision of Dr. Taimur Kayani, our MPhil English prodigies transformed the essence of “The Kite” into a tapestry of six-scene tales, each a kaleidoscopic burst of innovation.

Our GIFT Drama Exhibition was an event and a testament to boundless imagination. Every scene was digitally captured, etching their endeavors in time. Immense gratitude to our guiding stars, especially Dean Dr. Asir Ajmal and Dr. Ajmal Khan for illuminating their path.

But this is just the overture. GIFT Language Centre promises a riveting performance next semester, incorporating the lessons of this extravaganza. Syed Ashir deserves special recognition for his outstanding contribution to making the magic happen behind the scenes.