Community Engagement Program

Roshni Homes

  • Roshni Homes has been one of the outstanding organizations since its inception in 2002; we can call it a home for 80+ children. GIFT University operates an individual orphan care institute in Gujranwala, Pakistan.
  • Roshni Homes spreads optimism through its numerous initiatives. They provide every facility required for orphans to live in perfect safety.
  • Roshni Homes is a beacon of hope for orphaned children. It is affiliated with the following organizations: Geneva, ISPCAN, IFCO, CRIN, and is officially certified by the IRS (501), C3 charity in the United States. It is also affiliated with the FBR in Pakistan.

A Guide to IELTS

The Four Skills in IELTS
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking

Band scores in IELTS

Overall, 9 bands in all four areas of the IELTS tests.


The IELTS Listening test is divided into four sections. Each accurate answer is worth one point. There are 40 questions, and the overall band score of 9.0 is used to determine the scores out of 40.


IELTS Academic Reading test comprises 3 long reading sections and 40 questions. Each accurate answer will receive one point. The score is derived by turning 40 questions into a 9.0 band score.

IELTS General Training Reading consists of three reading components that emphasize advertising, excerpts, and short reading passages. The total number of questions is 40, and the assessment criteria in G.T. Reading Modules differ slightly from those in IELTS Academic Reading. The score is computed by converting the answers to 40 questions. 

In the IELTS Writing test the examiner gives you a band score on the basis of task achievement and accuracy in the task response:

Writing Task 1: Task achievement & Writing Task 2: Task Response

  • Lexical Resources
  • Grammatical Range & Accuracy
  • Coherence & Cohesion


The IELTS speaking examination involves a face-to-face interview in which the examiner evaluates your speaking ability. The examiner gives band scores in four major areas.

  • Pronunciation
  • Fluency and Coherence
  • Accuracy & Grammatical Range
  • Lexical Resources

The IELTS Speaking Test is divided into three parts:

(1) Interview (3 to 4 minutes)

(2) Individual Long Turn- Cue Card (2 to 3 minutes) with round off questions

(3) Two Way Discussion (4 to 5 minutes)